About us...
In July 2011 we founded the not-for-profit association »Kreativität trifft Technik«. The association's aim was creating a room for technique-affine and creative people in Oldenburg.
At the beginning of November 2011 this has been achieved with our first 20m² room called »Mainframe«. There we meet up for crafting and realizing projects, such as 3D-printers, a styrofoam cutter or window farms. Every 1.5 weeks we have a meeting to plan the next big thing and taking care of public relations and similar stuff.
Everyone interested in us is welcome to come by. Our opening hours can be found on the main page and our address can be found on the contact page.
Mainframe / Fab-O-Lab / KtT ???
Since Hackspaces and Fablabs have similar objectives we try to provide both in the same rooms. Since some persons only know of the term Fablab we can also be found as FabLab under the name Fab-O-Lab.
Another name, which may be heard in our environment is »Kreativität trifft Technik« (creativity meets technology), which is the name of our not-for-profit supporting association.